It is now officially February, which means it is also now just days away from Caleb’s birthday arriving without him. It still seems especially cruel that the sun will have the nerve to appear when our bright son isn’t granted that same courtesy. I wish I could be planning a party and watching Caleb’s joyous face light up as he excitedly claps for himself and blows out his candles. I wish a room full of people were singing the first song I ever sang to him after he was laid in my arms. I would give anything to get to sing it to him again.

The day Caleb was born was a day our whole universe became infinite. A week overdue and with snow still on the ground, we welcomed Caleb into this world. It was a day that was frigid outside but brought the kind of overwhelming love, joy, and warmth we never even knew could exist.  On that day, we were forever changed for the best. 

February 9th is a day we will never forget and it would mean the world if you don't either. Usually we mark the 9th of every month by going out into the community and sharing Caleb's love publicly. However, we've learned our limits. Days like this are just too gut-wrenchingly painful to try to put on a happy face, so we need your help. We will still be celebrating Caleb's beautiful life in our own way, but we would LOVE it if you would too. If you want a fun way to remember Caleb and to spread the love that Caleb gave so freely to everyone, join us to play BINGO, Caleb style!

I'm posting the CALEB/BINGO game now so you have time to think of what you want to do, but THE GAME DOESN'T START UNTIL CALEB'S BIRTHDAY ON FEBRUARY 9TH! 

Mark off one square, a row, or play for blackout!! I will never think of Caleb as any older than 2 but since this would've been his 5th birthday, 5 PRIZES will be drawn and sent to those who complete a “CALEB” and comment either here or on his social media pages (bonus points for wearing your shirt and including pictures)!

We are excited that Caleb has made so many new friends and hope you feel him singing and clapping for you as you spread his love to a world who desperately needs it.

